
Continual cruising apart from wintering at MH

Bio: Richard and I are second time arounders, in as much that we used to be NB Digitalis from 2008 - 2011 we cruised the canals on our other boat and then thought that we were missing something back home, so we sold up and went " back to life back to reality" !! so after renting for six months, then buying a lovely cottage and doing it to our taste we realized we actually were not missing home but that we were now missing narrowboating, so Yahoo we are back we purchased our new boat nb Mandalay on Sept 5th and have been living on her ever since, I used to keep a blog before like I said so I am going to carry on the tradition of boring everyone that wants to take a peek in to our wonderful life on nb Mandalay and would love to get my old readers back and maybe a few new ones too so keep watching this space love to all x x x

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1 thought on “About

  1. anne

    Hello again.good to see your blog on your web site.it will be interesting when you are on the move again.what with skype/ new mobile broadband/you will certainly have your time taken up keeping up with everything. X anne &rick. Ps see you in Hinckley


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